In 2013, one year after the death of her husband, poet Morton Felix, acclaimed ceramic artist Susan Felix, Berkeley’s Arts Ambassador, asked friends in her far-flung art and literary circles to write a poem for her birthday. The result is Stay Amazed, in which I have a poem:

Susan Dancing


Susan dancing…

is a ribbon fluttering across the grass


A ribbon is:



a floating thing

It ties

It beautifies


Ribbons are central to the maypole rite


they are sexual

bindings of beauty

symbols of the interlocking of bodies

the seed in the dark space

And the primeval

called from the earth


A ribbon can be childish


It can cut

and bind

It can wrap tight


But let loose

it dances like a balloon

trusting the air

flirting with the wind

It is color



a coquette

of silk softness


We are pleased

if one brushes

our cheek


Susan dancing…

is a ribbon fluttering across the grass